Unverbal Communication
Here, we are not talking about gestures, tones, expressions, and other visual or auditory messages. We are not talking about body language also. We are dealing with an entirely different subjects.
Can we sense the events before they occur?
Does the insight exists?
The ancient Indian sages declared that,
Purnamad: purnamidam purnatpurnamudchete ।
Purnashya purnamadaye purnamevavshishyete ॥

The ancient Indian sages declared that,
Purnamad: purnamidam purnatpurnamudchete ।
Purnashya purnamadaye purnamevavshishyete ॥
The ultimate nature of existence is ever perfect. We cannot reduce it, we can not increase it, we cannot improve or disprove it’s perfection. What is happening in this moment is happened already.
When there is deeper sense of connection with the nature, when we are one with the unified field of existence, when the vibrant vitality is flowing within us, we know about the events before they happen.
When we are in the state of pure consciousness, which is the source of life and matter, the inevitable is already in our vision. This is because the individual mind is connected to cosmic mind. Cause and effect is the unitary process, they happen simultaneously and hence everything happens simultaneously.