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Level 2 – Abiding in spontaneously pulsating beingness

It is the natural self alchemy, which dissolves our pains and problems.

Being with a quantum shift (level-II) means living in a different reality, to live a different life.

You open yourself to the abundance of the Universe. Enhance your health and wealth and tune with higher success frequency.

Your love, your excitement, your passion, your bliss, and fragrance of your presence become contagious.

Unfolding the spiritual dimension, you dance your dance (not others), you sing your song, and you write your story.

We have our busy, loaded, and stressful life schedule and we are unaware of nourishing our being, and urge of the soul.

Let’s join together for two days to reconnect with our pure Heart, the inner splendor, the core of all manifestation.

Let’s move through the dimension of presence and stillness of Here and now, where time stops. So full of love, so full of truth and so full of ecstasy!

Loving welcome for your participation and sharing.

Confusion to symphony