Inner freedom – Authentic movement of energy
Inner freedom is the call of our Heart.
Our well-being, happiness, beauty, and wonder of life are not subject to anyone or anything. It is a reflection of our quality of consciousness, a state of inner freedom.
When your Being is in the state of inner freedom, you have an unconditional mind; your ‘chidakash’ is clean and vibrant, your energy becomes balanced and in full flow.
Inner freedom is freedom from the cause of misery. It is the freedom from the prison of ignorance, and it’s potentialities. It is the timeless intelligence of yogic science. It raises your vibrations at its peak.
Inner freedom is an awakening of ‘real you.’ It frees you from lack, fear, hatred, and confusion. Inner freedom, the state, free from the dead past and imaginary future, is always available, regardless of outer circumstances. When you realize that you are the ‘freedom,’ there is an authentic flow of life.
The unbound state of inner freedom is the experience of wholeness. This overwhelming experience frees you from all worries, desperation, compulsions, addictions, obsessions, rage, and fear.
Inner Freedom takes you in the realm of abundance, timeless love, and surprise! It is the total stillness of mind in its ecstasy.
You become free from the mental image of yourself. Your brain starts functioning non-mechanically. You enter into a new dimension, and your energy has a new fragrance.
When freedom awakens, you discover your world, which is naturally sacred, pure, full of joy, and beauty.
Inner freedom translates into outer freedom. It translates into responsibility, power, and intelligence. It reflects through unconditional love and wisdom. It is the conviction and internal harmony.
Quantum shift workshop is the inner science giving you tangible steps towards inner freedom. It is the shift towards power and liberation.
What ‘Inner Freedom’ gives me?
Confusion to the symphony
You are free from unconscious patterns and hidden limitations of living. Now, your brain and your energy functions in a different way. You become total, unconditioned and integrated. As your mind has awakened and free from conditionings, you follow your own nature, guided by intelligence. Your decisions and actions are spontaneous and always in the right direction. As you are free from contradictions in physical, mental and emotional level, there is always harmony and symphony within you. There are no inner resistances within you and there is no struggle between your conscious and unconscious being.

It is not non-action but the action in which there is no resistance, no friction in energy, no interference of the past. Now the action is spontaneous and full of intelligence. We have an extraordinary sense of vitality and energy. Now you meet the living present moment to moment. Our energy gets dissipated due to resistances and different chaotic forces within us. They pull us in different directions. There is always a struggle between conscious and unconscious motives. When we have inner freedom, our energy field gets integrated and the vast and higher field of mind is available to us. Effortlessness is a higher transformation. Once you know it, many many things become possible for you.
Flow of wisdom
Life is flux. Everything is changing and transient. Lack of wisdom and awareness is one of the powerful cause of our sufferings. When we become aware, awake, living in the present moment, not loaded by past, and no future projections, the flower of wisdom starts blooming. In the fragrance of wisdom you become luminous and you have a complete dimensions of life. Wherever you go, you can create a conductive atmosphere for yourself and others. You transcend the limited perspective of the body and mind. As your mind is not mechanical and conditioned, your intelligence explores and in the light of wisdom you experience a vital and meaningful life.

Flow of wisdom
Life is flux. Everything is changing and transient. Lack of wisdom and awareness is one of the powerful cause of our sufferings. When we become aware, awake, living in the present moment, not loaded by past, and no future projections, the flower of wisdom starts blooming. In the fragrance of wisdom you become luminous and you have a complete dimensions of life. Wherever you go, you can create a conductive atmosphere for yourself and others. You transcend the limited perspective of the body and mind. As your mind is not mechanical and conditioned, your intelligence explores and in the light of wisdom you experience a vital and meaningful life.

Opens your heart
As your energy is free from contradiction and resistances, there is a deep sense of relaxation in your being. The more you relax, the more you peaceful, the more you feel yourself open, vibrant, and receptive. Suddenly existence starts penetrating you. This relaxation unleashes the hidden treasure within you. This direct experience of deep silence, aliveness, and harmony allow you to express a greater degree of creativity. You open up a whole new world of possibilities. Your awareness is expanded, deep-seated stresses are dissolved and you become calm, clear, and energetic. You can not be one with the existence of your intellect and analysis, it is a matter of the heart. Unless you become one with existence, you can not experience what life is, what being is!
Mechanical life to conscious life
What is the difference between animal life and human life? The animals live according to their genetic programming. This genetic programming and instincts decide the movement of their life. Ordinary human life is not much more different than animals. Our desires, ambitions, and behavior are mechanical, as it is borrowed, imitated, and is a matter of social and cultural conditioning. The inner freedom means, you are free from the conditionings and your choices are conscious. These choices sprout from the Ocean of intelligence.